erotic lesbian fiction.
start off… I’m no authority on this subject but have collected a number of tips
from authors and short writing classes. This is the sum of what I remember or
wrote down. I’ve also added practical stuff I learned along the way. Use what
you like, by all means!
have found these 4 ways to start a pwp/scene/tale useful:
Use an existing tale and rework it (Like Sam Ruskin’s Fun With Words homework
about rewriting a lyric or newspaper story! *Bards Village*)
Use a personal experience, write what you know
Write what you fantasize about, what would you(r character) like to do
Use a picture as starting point and tell the story behind it, like the one
below… what has this babe been up to? (*DROOOL* Err, sorry, can’t help myself

the picture
– where are they, what does it look like and how does it effect them Think of
smells, sounds, landscape, room, weather, ambiance, symbols, music etc. (use
the motion
– what are they doing (The “put coin in slot A and pull handle B over” part
of the story.)
the thought
– what are they thinking, about themselves, about the other(s), what are they
expecting, needing, preferences etc
– what are they saying, or not saying and why, do they have their own private
language, like a lot of lovers develop over time, do they talk or hint at, do
they use body language
non-visual –
what are they feeling and sometimes it pays to tell why they feel what they
feel. Also, what unseen/told events might influence them
– what are
they learning at that moment (if they like it or not*G*)
reaction(s) –
how are they reacting to the momentum, after thoughts and actions, long term
and short
the point
– what point does the scene/line serve in the whole story
(Her book, ‘Starting from
scratch: A different kind of writer’s manual’ is also fab to have lying around!)
My personal rules are:
Name the parts and remember the time period/era you are “in”!
write what is real, research if necessary
- - http://www.geocities.com/perfectlady_guaranted_formulas/
(Unless your character is
a fantasy/sci-fi character and has amazing abilities and non-humanoid body
parts; even then be careful with inventing stuff)
Chose what kind of LM scene you want. There are so many styles of erotic
fiction it’s good to surf around and compare. (Main genres are BDSM, filk,
fluff, PWP, vanilla etc)
Focus on feeling the passion of your character(s), keep it real (If you can’t
feel it, how is the reader going to?)
Make an extensive character profile; give your character a life
and personal
voice. Some good sites about character development:
Practise visualising your characters so fantasising about them becomes second
nature during the writing period
Decide if you want to be explicit or not (Shakespeare wrote brilliant
semi-erotic poems and never mentioned the deed once!)
Remember your
co-responsibility; you never know who is going to access your work so practise
“safe love scene writing”!!! Sexually Transmittable Diseases and such are not
fiction and yes, readers are subconsciously influenced by written stories as
much as TV. If you’re characters are situated in the 20th /21st
century, they will probably use/consider protection so incorporate that
awareness in their dialogue.
HAVE FUN!!!!!!!
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